BELD’s Power Mix

Zero Emission Power Supply

"In addition to receiving power from many units within New England, BELD currently owns and operates it's own power plant and bids this into the ISO New England market system."

—Bill Bottiggi, BELD GM

BELD’s zero-emission power supply contracts for the years 2022-2027. These contracts reflect our unwavering commitment to using clean, renewable energy sources to help improve our community’s quality of life. We took great care in carefully analyzing all available options and selecting the very best zero-emission power supply contracts that will provide sustainable, reliable, and affordable power to our customers.

We’re committed to reducing our carbon footprint, helping preserve the environment, and promoting energy efficiency.

Ahead of schedule: Reliance on green energy

State law requires Massachusetts to cut total greenhouse gas emissions at least 85 percent below 1990 levels by 2050, plus offset any remaining emissions by removing an equal or greater amount of carbon dioxide or its equivalent from the atmosphere.












BELD's progress to 100% renewable energy

by 2023
0 %
by 2030
0 %
by 2050
0 %

Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

Here’s why:
• Reliability—Individual units can and do fail sometimes, but groups increase overall reliability
• Fuel diversity—Individual fuel prices swing widely over time, so it pays to use many different fuel types
• Economy—Base, intermediate, and peak loads are most economically served by different types of generators

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