Please Keep Utility Poles Clear – It’s for Everyone’s Safety
Please Keep Utility Poles Clear – It’s for Everyone’s Safety At BELD, safety is our top priority. We want to remind residents that attaching signs,
helping you save energy
Our business is generating and delivering electricity, but our first concern is our customer. We want you to live and work in a clean environment, with money in your pocket. Encouraging you to save energy helps make that a reality.
Got energy questions? Contact our Energy Advisor Hotline at 781.348.1032. The Energy Advisor will spend the time necessary to explain in simple, understandable terms the information you’re looking for.
Braintree Electric wants to help you learn how you can conserve energy… and dollars! BELD’s electric usage portal displays the data gathered by your advanced meter. Now you can view your usage so you can see how your everyday habits affect your hourly consumption and ultimately, your monthly electric bill. The My Electric portal is the fast, easy way to monitor all your electric usage—and you can pay your bill while you are at it.
BELD is pleased to offer rebates to customers purchasing ENERGY STAR-rated LED lights, programmable and smart thermostats, and/or ENERGY STAR appliances: refrigerators, clothes washers, clothes dryers, air conditioners, hybrid electric hot water heaters (HEHWH). We also offer rebates for some battery-powered landscape equipment, like lawnmowers, leaf blowers, string trimmers (weed whackers) and chainsaws. These products are significantly more energy-efficient than average comparable models.
To participate in BELD’s rebate program, access the Rebate Application Form on-line or in print (we are happy to mail you a copy, or stop by BELD’s offices to pick one up.) After you purchase an ENERGY STAR-rated appliance, return the completed form, along with a sales receipt and the EnergyGuide label, to our Energy Advisor. If you don’t have the EnergyGuide label, please include information showing the make and model of the appliance with your application
Once we get the form and verify eligibility, we will credit your electric account the rebated amount. Please allow 4-6 weeks for processing.
For all commercial rebates contact Key Accounts Representative 781.348.2370.
If you’re considering making energy improvements in your home, getting an energy assessment is the first step. Braintree residents who heat with oil or electricity should contact our Energy Advisor to schedule a free site visit. Your home’s heating and hot water systems, attic and wall insulation, appliances, windows, doors, and lighting will all be evaluated. BELD also provides financial incentives for certain types of energy upgrades, including heat pump systems. Energy audits are required to receive rebates. For more information call 781.348.1032. Gas heat customers should contact 1.866.527.7283.
As a participant in the American Public Power Association’s Tree Power initiative, BELD is committed to beautifying our community while helping our customers save energy. Since the Braintree Re-Leaf program started in 1992, we have planted more than 4,100 maple trees at no cost to the recipients. Each of these new trees begins to reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere immediately, and in a few years the shade will help lower cooling costs.
All BELD residential customers are eligible for two free maple trees. We’ll even plant the trees for you on the south or west side of your home to ensure they get off to a healthy start. If you have not already taken advantage of this offer (sorry, no repeat customers) it’s easy to sign up. Contact the Energy Advisor 781.348.1032 and we’ll do the rest!
We offer several commercial rebate programs designed to help our consumers reduce energy consumption, energy bills, and ultimately, help the environment.
Contact Mike Ford our Key Accounts Representative 781.348.2370 to learn more about how to take advantage of the available programs
Please Keep Utility Poles Clear – It’s for Everyone’s Safety At BELD, safety is our top priority. We want to remind residents that attaching signs,
We hope you have been staying cool during these recent hot weeks! We want to take a moment to address something you may notice on